
Making a Heads or Tails Mini-Game(Rm2k/2k3)
By: Hawkeye  

     Ok so you want to make a, "Heads or Tails mini-game," this is actually very simple: 

1) First off, get yourself a person who's gonna flip the coin, so make an Event and give it the graphic of some random guy. Make the Event Start Condition: Push Key and set the event to Same Level as Hero

2) Next move into the Event Commands Box and make a message, something like; "Let's play Heads or Tails, pick one." And a brief description of the rules.

3) The next command should be a Show Choice command, make it 3 choices. HEADS, TAILS, LEAVE

4) Under the HEADS choice here's what we're going to do. Make a Variable and name it "Heads", then SET it to 0. Then make a new variable called HEAD/TAILS and set it to RANDOM : 0 to 1. Under that make a Fork condition and have it set that if variable HEAD/TAILS is EQUAL to 0 check the add else case. Under that make a message like, "Good Job! You've won!" and in the else case make a message like, "Aw, sorry you lost. Perhaps next time you'll have better luck." 

5) Now after the end case under that TAILS choice here's what we're going to do. Make a variable and name it "Tails", then SET it to 1. Then take the variable called HEAD/TAILS and set it to RANDOM: 0 to 1. Under that make a Fork condition and have it set that if variable HEAD/TAILS is EQUAL to 1 check the add else case. Under that make a message like, "Good Job! You've won!" and in the else case make a message like,  "Aw, sorry you lost. Perhaps next time you'll have better luck." 

The coding's pretty simple so I wont show it to you but you will in the end be using 3 variables and two forks, remember that. You can add betting and losing/gaining money if you want, but that's more into it and I'm sure you can figure it out for yourself. If you're having any trouble I may add the code later and break it down a bit more.

Pushing objects(Rm2k/2k3)
By Hawkeye 

     This is very basic stuff and is meant for mostly newer rm2k users, but it is still useful and it's always good to start with the basics before going complicated. I don't want anyone reading my blog saying it's not good for beginners. If you're making a dungeon, you don't want to be just walking through a maze, you need to put stuff in the way and have obstacles. Some of the best ways to do this is with rocks or barrels that are blocking your Hero's path and he must push them away by pressing Enter

     You can even make the maze out of these and he/she has to push the right ones to get out or else he/she will trap themselves in and have to restart. The possibilities are endless and it's a simple system that when mapped properly can be expanded on. 

     So, make a map of a maze and then make the event that you want the boulder to be. Open it up and set its graphic to a rock, there are some in the rtp, or you can get your own. Next set its Event Start Condition to PUSH key and make sure the event is set to Same Level as Hero. Now in the event commands box you only have one command to put it. Move event. Set the command to this event and make it step away from hero also check off Ignore if can't be moved. The code should look like this...

<>Move Event: This Event Walk Away from Hero

That's it; that's all, so good luck. Like I said simple, but effective. Here's the RTP objects charset you can try it with.

Changing Your Hero's Clothes(Rm2k/2k3)


      Ever wonder how it is that in some RPGs people have their hero change his/her outfit and none of the stats are modified?

     This isn't as hard as it seems and in this tutorial I'm going to explain: How to make your Hero have a change of clothes. Now this can be greatly modified and have different uses, but here's the one I put to it. So let's say in your house you have a chipset of a dresser lying around, we're going to make it so that when you click on that dresser your Hero can change into another pair of clothes. 

     So, make an Event on the dresser and have the event start condition set to PUSH KEY and it's position set to SAME LEVEL AS HERO. Now in order for this to work you will be needing a charset of your hero in different clothes, so you might want to modify your charset and add that in or get someone else to do it for you. I've just discovered a fabulous Spriter at: Project - Rpg called Luka, who is eager to get some experience in charset editing under his belt. 

     Moving on, in the event commands area insert the first command, a SHOW CHOICE command. Set it to two choices; CHANGE INTO CLOTHING and STAY IN THE CLOTHES YOU'RE WEARING. Under the command of CHANGE INTO CLOTHING insert the command called SET HERO WALK GFX. This command allows you to change your heros graphic without having any stats or anything else changed, just his graphic. Choose which Hero you want changed and the graphic that he's to change in to then click ok.

     Now then you can leave him in these clothes or you could add a switch and make a new page with the same coding, but changing his clothes back to what they were and turn that switch off. As I said earlier you can play around with this quite a bit. I generally have multiple options and you can find hidden wardrobes around towns, it just adds a little extra fun for the Player. At the end of it all though the coding will look like this:

<>Change Hero Walk Graphic:(Alex)Chara 1-2
:End Case

Improving NPC interaction(Rm2k/2k3)
 By Hawkeye

      RPG's are quite dull when NPC's(Non-Playable Characters) always repeat the same things over and over again. 

     So, why not improve your Hero's interaction with them by having them give advice or get mad at you. This is a very simple thing to do using only one variable. First off; make an event that you want to be an NPC, let's say a random man down by the water. Set the event start condition to PUSH KEY and position to SAME LEVEL AS HERO and then make the graphic whatever you want. For this tutorial I'll put mine as a random man.

      Next move over to the EVENTS COMMANDS area and insert a CHANGE VARIABLE command. Pick a variable and name it whatever you want; I set mine to TALK. Make sure the Set area is set to "SET" and then make the operand "RANDOM". Make the RANDOM operand set at 1 to 3. The coding afterwards should look somewhat like this...

<>Change Variable: Var[0001:TALK] = Random(1 to 3)

      What we've done so far is: When you click on the NPC it will randomize the variable TALK to 1,2 or 3. Now, let's make him talk. So under the change variable command insert a FORK CONDITIONS command and have it set that if variable TALK is set to " 1 and EQUAL " and uncheck the add else case box. 

     Now inside this command place a message saying something like "Man: Lovely day today isn't it?" or whatever you want one of his messages to say.

      Next after the <>end case make another FORK CONDITION command and have it set that if variable TALK is set to " 2 and EQUAL " and uncheck the add else case box. Now inside this command, place another message that you might want this man to say, for instance; "Man: The water sure looks choppy this evening, don't think it's a good time for sailing..."

      Then last of all after the next <>end case make another FORK CONDITION command and have it set that if variable TALK is set to "3 and EQUAL" and uncheck the add else case box. Now inside this command place another message that you might want this man to say, for instance; "Man: Perhaps you should go visit the old witch down by the beach cove, she's always giving out good advice to weary travelers

     That's it, that's all the coding to it. You could even have him give out different quests or advice or carry on various conversations and for ever random number you have; you make another fork condition. If we had set it to random 1 to 15 you would have to make 15 fork conditions: one for every possible thing he has to say. So in the end our coding looked like this...

<>Change Variable: Var[0001:TALK] = Random(1 to 3)
<>If Var(0001:TALK) 1
<>Message: Man: Lovely day today isn't it?
<>If Var(0001:TALK) 2
<>Message: Man: The water sure looks choppy this
: :evening, don't think it's a good time for
: :sailing...
<>If Var(0001:TALK) 3
<>Message: Man: Perhaps you should go visit the old
: :witch down by the beach cove, she's always giving
: :out good advice to weary travelers



Making your text come Alive(Rm2k/2k3)
By Breakdancing Robot

      Okay, this feature of RM2k3 may already be known to you; however, I found out about it by a total mistake, and it's GREAT.

      Now, if you've been playing games for a while, then you probably know about MUDs. For those of you that don't know, MUDs are text-based online rpgs. Many people talk about how graphics aren't everything in an rpg; well, MUDs are rpgs at their core. No graphics. Only text. 

      The problem with MUDs comes with the screen. No matter how you look at it, white text on a black background is boring, so creators have found how to make it more interesting. I was pleased to find out this little bit of information about RM2k3. By adding a few text-commands you can turn words into dialogue. Like so:

\\ Shows "\".
\c[n]   Changes the text color to the color that matches n, n being a number from 0 to 19.
\s[n]   Changes the text speed to n, where n is a number from 1 to 20, 1 being the fastest.
\n[n]   Displays the name of the hero in the database with ID n, n being any numerical value. (\n[0] will show the name of the first member in the current party)
\v[n]   Displays the value held in variable n, n being any numerical value.
\$        Shows the amount of money held.
\!         The remainder of the message after this code is only shown when the player presses a key.
\.         Adds a 1/4 second delay to the part of the message which follows this code.
\|         Adds a 1 second delay to the part of the message which follows this code.
\> / \< Displays the part of the message between \> and \< instantly.
\^        Closes the message window without key input.
\_        Shows half a space.

All of these commands can be found by clicking the help button whenever you're at the message prompt. You just throw those badboys in anywhere in the message. For example:
Breakdancingrobot is the KING OF THE WORLD!!!
By adding a few commands you can make it...
\c[11]Breakdancingrobot\c[0] is the KING \.OF \.THE \!WORLD!!! 

By adding those commands, it now has Breakdancingrobot in red, there is a short delay between KING, OF, and THE, and you have to press a button for WORLD!!! to appear. Try this stuff out, you'd be amazed at how much better it makes the dialogue.

Making a readable page using Pictures(Rm2k/2k3)
By: Hawkeye

     First you must have a picture made of what it is you intend to have your hero read.
     There are several empty parchment pictures around and all you can simply do is open one in Paint or Idraw and edit it to have words written on it. Save the picture and put it into the picture folder in your game's folder. Next in your game make an event of a piece of paper lying somewhere and you can place it wherever you want the hero to find it, such as on a desk. Set the EVENT START CONDITION to PUSH KEY and the POSITION to SAME LEVEL AS HERO. Next in the event commands box put in a message saying something like READ LETTER? Then under that make a SHOW CHOICES command with two choices reading something like YES and NO, leave the NO command blank. Last in the command box, under the :[YES] case put in a CHANGE SWITCH command and make the switch something like PAGE1 if you like and set it to ON. So in the command box what you should have is

<>Message: READ LETTTER?
<>Show Choice: YES/NO
:[YES] Case
<>Change Switch: Var[00??:PAGE1] Switch ON
:[NO] Case
:End Case

The ?? representing the number of switch you use. That's all you need to do in this event box. Now go into the DATABASE and into COMMON EVENTS and make a new event such as LETTER1. Set the common event to PARRALEL PROCESS and make the appearance condition switch the same switch you used in the last event, so we used PAGE1 so that would be the same switch to use as the appearence condition switch. Now in the event commands area this is the coding we're going to put in. First make a SHOW PICTURE command and set the picture to whatever picture you made earlier with writing on parchment and you can leave the positioning and rest alone as the default settings and click ok now. Next make an ENTER PASSWORD command and set the variable to something like READPAGE and check off WAIT UNTIL KEY HIT, DECISION(5) and CANCEL(6) leave DIRECTION(1,2,3,4) unchecked and now click ok. Last command to put in is an ERASE PICTURE command to erase whatever pic number was the picture you just placed, the default setting is pic one.

     That's all the coding there is, you can't go wrong with it, though there are simpler ways and shorter ways this is one of your best bets in my opinion to go with. So the coding for the common event will look somewhat like this is the end...

<>Show Picture:ID:1 PAGE1(160,120)
<>Enter Password: Var[??:READPAGE]
<>Erase Picture:ID:1

Taking screenshots(Rm2k/2k3/XP/VX)
By: Hawkeye 
This tutorial is quite simple once you get the hang of it and is mostly meant for newbies. I realize that most people assume to know this and yet I still see people who are presenting their games using terrible screenshots.

-STEP 1- First off, open your game up and start playing it.

-STEP 2- Get to the part of your game where you'd like to take a screen shot.>

-STEP 3- Look on your keyboard for the button PRINT SCRN and press is.

-STEP 4- Close your game and open PAINT or another picture program and hold CTRL and press V while you're holding it. You could also goto EDIT and click on PASTE or PASTE PAGE, but where's the fun in that. That's all there is to it, you press PRINT SCRN which takes a picture of your whole computer screen and then you open up and image program and press CTRL + V and paste it on the image program where you can save it as a BMP, but a PNG or JPEG takes up a lot less room on your computer.

Stand Alone Games (Rm2k/2k3)

By Tomparkca  @ Hawkgames

This is important to people who have downloads for
rpgmaker2000 or rpgmaker2003 games or demos.
If you do this you can make your games stand alone
so you dont need rpgmaker 2k/2k3 or the RTP to play them.

-STEP 1- First off, make sure you have all the resources the game
needs in the game folder.

-STEP 2-
Remember to include the RPG_RT.exe file. It's a good idea to
make sure you run your virus scan before packing up your game.

-STEP 3- This is the most important...
Open the RPG_RT.ini file, and add the line "FullPackageFlag=1".
This tells the game that it doesn't need to look for the RTP, and
all the files are there. If you don't do this, the user will
get errors saying they have to install RM2k or RM2k3.

-STEP 4- Then just pack up your game like normal and you're done, now
people dont need the rtp files to play your game.
This can work on games you downloaded and you want to
play, but can't because you dont have the rpgmaker 2k/2k3 rtp files, just do step 3 on the game you downloaded.